Thursday, August 4, 2011

National Watermelon Day

America is having a heatwave right now! Here in Colorado we've had 18 days of  >90F heat, a couple days in the 80's & now back to the 90s for the forseeable future! 

No-one wants to be slaving over a hot stove in this weather but you can still enjoy delicious, nutritious food that's quick to make and requires little or no cooking. 

Yesterday was National Watermelon Day! To celebrate, I chose a recipe from Health magazine which was light, refreshing, delicious and very quick to make.

I had the ingredients on hand as I love feta cheese so it's a staple in my fridge and we grow mint in our garden.

Mint (growing well despite the dryness of the ground here!)

Herbs are easy to grow and can be done in a window box or tub on your balcony if you don't have a garden.

These flavors go great together!

Refreshing, summer flavors!

The only 'cooking' required

A quick 2-3 minutes each side is the only cooking required! Allow to cool, remove the skin and cut into chunks

Drizzle with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt & pepper  

Mix a tablespoon of olive oil with a table spoon of balsamic vinegar. Drizzle this over salad and add salt & pepper. Delicious!


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