Monday, March 26, 2012

Are you stuck in a dinner rut?

We are currently painting the interior of our home - I use the term 'we' loosely as my husband is doing all the prep work & the painting & my job is keeping the kiddos out of the way!

The other job my husband has ensured I do while everything is off the shelves is to go through the pile of magazines I have accumulated due to those 'subscribe for one year get another year free!' type deals.  As a result I have many Better Homes & Gardens and Real Simple magazines and a couple of others I received in the mail without ever subscribing too?!

I find clearing out therapeutic & am not a hoarder at all but have kept all these magazines because they are full of useful information and recipes I plan try 'one day'.

So I spent Sunday afternoon flicking through piles of magazines tearing out articles (which I now have to find time to read & file!) and came to 2 conclusions:

1)  I long to live in a blue & white cottage by the sea in New England which is decorated & organized immaculately  just like all the photos in every single one of these magazines!

2) With all the recipes there are in the world I should never be in a dinner rut!

Looking at all the recipes I've torn out it's obvious that by using the same basic ingredients then adding different herbs & spices I can make a different meal every night & travel round the world with the flavors!

~ Toss seafood into my basic stir-fry and I can imagine I'm actually sitting in that cottage on the coast... 

~ Add plums, cinnamon & curry powder to chicken & suddenly I'm in Morocco!

~ Mix chilli & lime into my recipe & I'm in Mexico

~ Add ginger for an Asian experience

~ Basil or oregano will transport me back to Italy!

Recipes don't have to be complicated or include lots of different ingredients but there are so many different flavors to experience! 

 Flicking through those magazines has inspired me to try new recipes & get creative with my herbs & if only I could get round to organizing & filing ...!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Registered Dietitian Day - March 14th 2012

"The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics proudly announces the fifth annual Registered Dietitian Day. As the nation's food and nutrition experts, registered dietitians are committed to improving the health of their patients and community. Registered Dietitian Day commemorates the dedication of RDs as advocates for advancing the nutritional status of Americans and people around the world."

March is National Nutrition Month & today is Registered Dietitian Day.  A day for highlighting  the role of dietitians and what they can offer you with regard to your nutrition & health. It's about letting people know who to turn to for credible nutrition advice in the midst of overwhelming nutrition information.

I was incredibly proud when I graduated in Scotland with a BS in Human Nutrition & Dietetics in 1994 & following a hospital internship qualified as a Registered Dietitian in 1995.  I was thrilled again, when 16 years later, I passed the US Dietetic Registration exam!

Throughout this time I have had the pleasure of working with many amazing, dedicated dietitians all with one help people improve their health via good nutrition. Whether it's altering diet because of a medical condition or improving nutritional intake for pregnancy or weight loss, the power of good nutrition never fails to amaze me!

What do we hope for on RD Day?  

Not an award or a pat on the back - we'd like you to contact us - via our blogs, Facebook pages, LinkedIn, Twitter, telephone, online or in person & let us help you achieve your full health potential.  

Stop living with those symptoms or dreaming of losing that weight -make this RD Day the day you commit to your good health & contact a dietitian!

For a list of dietitians in your area visit the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Chocolate Milk for athletes?


Chocolate milk is in the news again. 

This time it's not the great debate about having it in schools but about the new marketing campaign targeting athletes.

The campaign is about the protein & nutrients in milk helping with muscle recovery after a workout.  It's also about chocolate providing antioxidants which are beneficial to health.  So does it follow that by combining these 2 foods you create a 'super food'?

I'd like to add a word of caution before anyone starts drinking chocolate milk thinking 'if a little is good, a lot must be better!'

I've no problem with people drinking low fat milk or occasionally eating some dark chocolate.  The protein & lactose (sugar occurring naturally in milk)  can help muscle recovery & the antioxidants from dark chocolate have heart health benefits.


  • check to see how much sugar is in the chocolate milk - drinking your calories is never a good idea
  •  bear in mind chocolate flavoring is not the same as actual dark chocolate!  
  • drinking chocolate milk after your workout may mean you're drinking all the calories you just worked off!

A better option would be to drink regular (white), low fat milk & enjoy actual dark chocolate as a 'treat with added anti-oxidant benefits'

Remember, they are advertising their product & that doesn't mean it's a 'wonder food'!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

National Nutrition Month 2012 - Get Your Plate in Shape!

March is National Nutrition Month & the theme this year is Get Your Plate in Shape!

Based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans  there are several simple changes suggested for consumers to make starting this month, so their plate (& food intake!) are healthier.

Let's start with the first recommendation:

Make half your plate fruits and vegetables 

Why? Well, by covering half your plate with fruit & vegetables this will automatically mean your portions of other foods will be more controlled.   I would go further than just saying 'make half your plate fruit & veg' & say - eat your fruit & veg first!

Fruit & veg are low calorie foods that are packed with nutrition.  By filling up on this food group first you'll be nourishing your body and controlling calorie intake in one simple step!

Fruit & veg add color and interest to food making it visually appealing and can be eaten raw, steamed, baked, roasted or stir-fried - they're so versatile!

I love the phrase 'eat a rainbow' and by doing this you'll be supplying your body with a wonderful variety of the nutrients it needs every day as each different colored food provides different vitamins & minerals.

Fresh, frozen and canned varieties are all good - choose vegetables that state 'reduced sodium' or 'no salt added' and fruit canned in water or 100% fruit juice.  Avoid frozen veg in a creamy or butter sauce or fruit in any kind of syrup.

Add herbs & spices to them when cooking or serving and the tastes & options are limitless!

For more information visit The Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics.


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