Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nutrition for the U

by Carlene Helble

        Going to college is a time of freedom and growth. A student gets to decide whom they eat with, when they will eat, and what their dining choice is each day. For a while, it may be the siren song of daily pizza or double Twinkies, but don’t fret! The novelty of on demand pizza will wear off, and college kids will look for options that help fuel their study sessions the right way.

Here are a few tips to help you or your student eat right for semesters to come.

-Know your options:
        Choice is a beautiful thing, but it can be overwhelming if you’re not prepared! I remember feeling dumbfounded as a freshman with the sheer number of options presented. We had more than ten dining buildings and at least 5 options within each. Where do you even start?
        Instead of settling for what you can see, take a look at the school’s dining website and get an idea of the lay of the land. Building one may have pizza, burgers, and a taco bar, but find the diamond in the rough. Can you order a vegetable burger with a whole-wheat bun at the burger bar? Can you get a side salad with your pizza?

-Ask and ye shall receive:
        Just like in a restaurant, you can request alterations to the standard order. Be polite when you request small changes to dinner that will balance your nutrition intake for the day. ‘Would it be possible to have extra veggies instead of fries?’ or ‘Please hold the mayo.’ are not a burden when done with class and a smile.

-Buy impulse fruits:
        Marketing research shows that customers are likely to buy items presented to them in the check out line. In grocery stores, this is often candy and magazines, but in more universities, fruit is being offered in large baskets at the exit. Be tempted! Pick up that orange to balance out your meal; if you’re not hungry now, save it for later.

-Squash the snack attacks:
        There’s nothing worse than being stuck in class with no time to go to the dining hall. It may seem like your only option is high sugar and sodium vending, but plan ahead and squash that snack attack. Keep a Lara bar or dried fruit and nuts in your bag during the week. Or how about that orange you picked up at lunch? When your body is sending you the ‘starving’ signal, you’ll be glad you have the right fuel already with you.

-Don’t stress for perfection:
        The time will arise when mac and cheese with a cookie dessert is the only thing that will do that day. Be in touch with your body and let yourself enjoy what you crave. Don’t beat yourself up over an indulgent meal; just use the rest of the day to help balance. Mac and cheese for lunch is the perfect opportunity for a big salad with Mexican black beans and other veggies at dinner.

As I prepare to graduate in May the best advice is this: Enjoy each day and savor every meal. College will fly by before you know it!

Carlene Helble is a senior Dietetics major and Family Studies minor at James Madison University. She is the president of JMU's student dietetic association and Student Council Liaison to the ADA. Carlene has applied to the 2011 spring match for dietetic internships where she hopes to continue into private practice and working with nutrition and social media. You can follow Carlene on Twitter @CarleneFutureRD or read more on her blog 


kizi said...

Great article - very impressive. Thanks

Unknown said...

Kids and adults of every age can learn something new about nutrition - thanks for this information Carlene!

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