Thursday, November 17, 2011

March of Dimes World Prematurity Day

November is Prematurity Awareness Month & November 17th 2011 is World Prematurity Day   1 in 8 babies are born prematurely in the United States & worldwide 13 million babies are born pre-term each year.

To raise awareness March of Dimes is asking people to share their experiences of premature babies.  

I remember well the mixture of excitement and anxiety you feel every day of your pregnancy.   Although my own children were born full term I have worked as a dietitian in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and shared the highs and lows of my friends experiences with premature babies.

As dietitians we work very closely with the NICU Doctors to nourish these precious babies and we celebrate every ounce of weight gain along with the parents.  Due to it's many benefits we promote the use of breast milk whenever possible & provide encouragement & support for Mom's trying to build up their supply ready for when their baby is able to tolerate breast milk. We never underestimate the physical & emotional effects on families, especially new Moms.

As a Mom I have seen how my friends have coped and been so strong for their premature babies.  One couple suffered several miscarriages before their baby was born 10 weeks early.  They sent regular photos to allow us to follow her progress and despite the many tubes she was beautiful from day 1!

 Another friend has had 3 premature babies and her energy & strength never fail to amaze me despite the many days spent at a hospital 50 miles away and the late night hospital admissions when a cold took hold of her little ones chest. 

As a friend you can help by providing meals for the family who spend many hours at the hospital plus additional time traveling to the specialist units, which may not be local to them.  Offer to babysit for siblings or do school pick-up & drop-off.  Or just be there for parents if they want to talk & let them know you're available to help with whatever they need.
For more information or ways to help please visit  March of Dimes


Clancy Harrison MS, RD, LDN said...

Great Blog! I am your newest follower and I look forward to your posts. I am a Dietitan who writes a blog for RDs on FREE CE credits. I also write a blog on child nutrition (picky eating, homemade baby food, family recipes). I hope to see you soon!
Best, Clancy

Unknown said...

Thanks Clancy. It is important to raise this issue which is so real for many families ~ Lyn

Juice detox london said...

That's really a fantastic post ! added to my favourite blogs list.. I have been reading your blog last couple of weeks and enjoy every bit. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Thanks - good to hear you are enjoying my posts ~ Lyn

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