Issue #5 = Office Celebrations
We're not talking here about the once a year Holiday Party but rather all the other celebrations throughout the year that involve food: cakes brought in by the Birthday girl/boy, leaving parties, drinks & snacks after work, celebrating promotions, new babies...! The list can be a long one, multiplied by the number of people in your office this can lead to quite a lot of extra food intake over the course of a year!
If these are not frequent occurrences then go ahead and enjoy them but if every week you find yourself eating cake to help someone celebrate some event it may be a good decision to come up with an action plan to limit your intake of these sneaky calories! You may decide to only indulge in the sweet treats for colleagues you work closely with, for example, or toast them with a drink but not the snacks, or plan to have the food at one event a month instead of every time. Choose a plan that fits your situation.
Issue #6 = Inactivity
If your position is a 'desk job' then make a point of including activity in your day. Sitting in one place for a long time can lead to boredom and tiredness which may have you reaching for a snack to try and wake yourself up.
Simple changes really can lead to big rewards!
- Instead of using the photocopier that's right beside you, walk upstairs to the one on the next floor
- Go outside at lunchtime and power walk (even a few laps around the building if there's nowhere else to walk!)
- Find a staircase without much foot traffic and run and up down it a few times or try 'step ups' up & down the bottom stair.
- Ask a colleague to be an exercise buddy to make it more fun & keep you motivated
Not everyone works in an office environment - perhaps you work shifts, you maybe drive for long periods of time or travel for work
Let me know the difficulties you face at work.
Good Solution.
- Puff & pie การบินไทย
Hope you find the suggestions useful ~Lyn
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